《连接中国》由国务院新闻办公室监制,五洲传播中心与美国探索频道亚洲电视网联合制作,国际知名的旅游探险节目主持人伊恩·莱特担任主持。节目中,伊恩·莱特满怀对中国文化与好奇与欣赏到中国各地探访。每到一处,他都会与当地民众深入互动,亲身体验当地人的 日常生活与工作,感受当地的风俗人情与社会发展现状,将当地极富特色的人文风貌多角度、深层次地展现给世界观众。
Invite Mr. Wright
As the host of a popular adventure travel TV show, Ian Wright is invited to various parts of China to spend time with the locals. He is able to experience many aspects of their life and work, enjoy their hospitality, and learn about local lifestyles and recent social development. This program gives a broad overview of China’s cultural landscapes.