


  China Intercontinental Communication Center
   (China Intercontinental Press)
  The China Intercontinental Communication Center (China Intercontinental Press), set up in Beijing in December 1993, is a comprehensive international cultural communication agency complete with four export-oriented communication centers, including the Film and TV Center, the Book Center, the Cultural Exchange Center and the Network Center.
   With “helping the world to understand China, and helping China to understand the world” as its goal, the Center/Press works to introduce to the rest of the world the basics of Chinese history, politics, economics, science and technology, education, culture, and the lives of the Chinese people, and also to display the latest progress China has made in social and economic development during the ongoing reform and opening-up. In the meantime, it works to introduce to China the fruits of foreign cultural development.
  The Center/Press has established cooperative relationships with 40-plus TV organizations in more than 20 countries, and with over 30 publishing houses in 19 countries and regions around the world. It has also carried out cultural activities in some 40 countries and regions. It has also succeeded in bringing Chinese movies and TV plays as well as books to more than 200 countries and regions.


    ?五洲首度亮相巴拿马国际书展 中国图书深受当地读者喜爱 ?视听创新点亮“一带一路”——“一带一路”视听服务创新论坛在京举办 ?集智聚力推动文化遗产国际传播“新视听+文化遗产”论坛在京举办 ?国产动画电影《雪域少年》将于8月19日全国院线上映 ?“一带一路·北海遇见北海”系列文化交流活动在吉隆坡举行 ?电影《色彩中国》首爆预告 “五色版”剧照书写生命华章


    ?国产动画电影《雪域少年》将于8月19日全国院线上映 ?电影《色彩中国》首爆预告 “五色版”剧照书写生命华章 ?纪录电影《家园梦想》春节期间面向全球播出 ?纪念中日邦交正?;?0周年系列纪录片《中国故事之孤岛医生》12月18日在日本富士电视台播出 ?上海合作组织成员国元首理事会召开之际新媒体系列短片《丝路微纪录》第三季特别推出节目《丝路考古展》 ? 系列纪录短片《理解中国》8月26日起全球播出


    ?五洲首度亮相巴拿马国际书展 中国图书深受当地读者喜爱 ?五洲传播出版社携百余种海外出版成果亮相第二十九届北京国际图书博览会 ?以人文交流为中阿关系注入持久推动力 中阿典籍互译出版工程成果发布会成功举办 ?“中文世界”儿童阅读文库370余种中国童书亮相吉隆坡国际书展 180种童书实现菲律宾文版权输出 ?五洲图书和期刊在泰国曼谷国际书展受到本地读者热烈欢迎 ?五洲传播出版社2023年北京图书订货会参展工作圆满结束