

  协办:That’s China杂志(英文刊)、That’s Shanghai杂志(英文刊)、 That’s Guangzhou杂志(英文刊)、《珠?!吩又?br />





  1.1000 - 2000字以上的英文或中文文章。



  1. 征文将评出:优胜奖1名:奖金2000元,并获邀请参加2018年6月-7月间为期5天的珠海采风写作活动。(需提供两篇旅游文章,并有机会成为该项目特约撰稿人)。其他投稿人的作品一旦采用,将根据文章质量获得300-500元/千字的稿酬。

  2. 摄影将评出:优胜奖1名:奖金2000元,并邀请参加2018年6月-7月间为期5天的珠海采风写作活动。(需提供一定数量的“珠海”主题摄影作品,并有机会成为该项目特约摄影)。其他投稿人的作品一旦采用,根据照片质量获得100-200元/幅的稿酬。




  Zhuhai and Me: the Activities of Writing and Photographing Zhuhai from the Foreigners’  Perspectives

  Join our "Zhuhai" writing and photographing activities, get published and paid!

  China cannot be known from a hurried glance – it must be lived, breathed and explored first hand.

  No experience of China is the same. So, come to share your unique experience and take part in our activities!

  The writing and photographing activities sponsored by China Intercontinental Press and the Zhuhai Press Group, and is also jointly organized by the That’s magazine group and ciccphoto.com.

  Submission starts today! The winner will be selected to join the editorial team as the guest writer/photographer for a chance to immerse in one of the top marine tourism in China– free of cost!

  All good stories deserve to be told. All good pictures deserve to be shared. Now you’re just a click on the keyboard away from becoming the next Peter Hessler.

  General requirements for international candidates who live and travel in China:
  1.Theme of articles/photography: “Zhuhai”
  2.Abiding by the Chinese law; observing professional ethics; following the regulations of magazine content

  Requirements for articles writing:
  1.Native speaker or with similar level. Experienced writer more desirable;
  2.Article in Chinese or English; Word counts : 1000-2000 words (or above);
  3.Flexibility for arranging a 5-day trip in Zhuhai at some point between June and July, 2018 is required;
  4.One personal photo and a brief self-introduction about the author.

  What will candidates get after taking part in writing activities:
  1.For the winner , a 5-day trip to Zhuhai (at some point between June and July, 2018) for free. He/she shall provide two travel articles after this trip.
  2.For the chance of joining the editorial team as a guest writer.
  3.Other candidates will get 300-500 RMB per 1000-word for the selected articles to be published.

  Requirements for photographing:
  1.Native speaker or with similar leve. Experienced photographer more desirable;
  2.Flexibility for arranging a 5-day trip in Zhuhai at some point between June and July, 2018 is required;
  3.5-10 pictures about Zhuhai with a brief introduction of each picture (in the style of photo essay);
  4.One personal photo and a brief self-introduction about the author.

  What will candidates get after taking part in photographing activities:
  1.For the winner, a 5-day trip to Zhuhai (at some point between June and July, 2018) for free. And he/she shall provide a certain numbers of photos about Zhuhai;
  2.For the chance of joining the editorial team as a guest photographer;
  3.Other candidates will get 100-200 RMB per photo for the selected photography to be published.

  Submission requirements:
  Send your articles/photography to kuaipai2017@163.com
  Submission deadline: June 5, 2018

  About Zhuhai (关于珠海)

  Endowed with an admirable ecology, a unique marine vista and air quality that ranks among the top in China, Zhuhai is a lesser-known crown jewel of southern China’s bustling marine tourism scene. Located in the south of Guangdong Province, it is an ideal place not only for sightseeing, but also for trying the latest trends of marine leisure, and for the more gastronomical adventurers, and for sampling the quintessence of Cantonese culinary arts.
  Leave comments on WeChat (that’s_China) or write to kuaipai2017@163.com for more details. 


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