Sketching the Silk Road
This episode tells of two American painters who go to sketch in Dunhuang. Like many Westerners, these two are keenly interested in mysterious Western China. Traveling along the ancient Silk Road, across the boundless desert, riding on camels, flying a para-glider, and walking with bare feet, they finally arrived at Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, one of the most famous artistic treasures in China. They enjoyed the extremely subtle scenery of Singing Sands Mountain and Mogao Grottoes. During their journey, they come across some local artists whose different approach to art leads them to examine different aesthetic views and the definitions of art in the East and West. In this episode, you will share their joy, exhaustion, experiences and frustrations during their journey. The traditional art and cultural essence of China is revealed incisively and vividly through what they see and hear, while the majestic mountains and rivers, old civilizations, industriousness, intelligence and sincerity of the people in western China are sketched on a broad canvas.