《一个城市六个朋友》由国务院新闻办公室监制,五洲传播中心与孤独星球(Lonely Planet)制作公司、探索频道联合制作。六集节目分别聚焦中国上海、成都、南京、青岛、西安、厦门等六座中国城市。每集节目中,主持人通过朋友介绍的方式来到一座城市,结识六位精心挑选的、具有代表性的、职业背景各不相同的城市居民。在走访六位朋友的过程中,主持人深入城市街头,亲自体验丰富多彩的城市生活,带领观众全面领略了每座城市的景观风貌和人文特色,生动地传达了每座城市独有的精神内涵。
Six Degrees
Six Degrees is a successful television franchise that explores a destination by connecting with the people who live in it.
Each Six Degrees journey begins with a traveler arriving in a new city with a single point of contact. From this initial encounter, one person leads them to others. Following the chain of connections, the traveler is whisked off their feet and fast-tracked to the heart of a destination, exploring it through the eyes of six of its most colorful and clued-in residents.
Six Degrees takes this social approach to travel one step further by using it to explore an entire nation—providing a backstage pass to six of the most happening destinations in the People’s Republic of China.
Six degrees of separation motto comes from the theory that anyone on the planet can be connected to any other person through a chain of acquaintance with less than six links.